
Pictures of a lawn that recovered!!!

Here are two pictures - First - The lawn in August...the seeding done this Spring, did finally sprout... once we got some rain.... Second - the lawn looking so dead this spring, in case you had forgotten. I will be overseeding the lawn again this week - particulaly the newer seeded areas, and anywhere else that still looks thin. Just call it a $20 insurance policy towards what we hope will be a better spring.
The bottom picture is another area of the lawn where the grass is quite thick, virtually weed-free, and what I am hoping will be the story for the lawn everywhere next Spring.

Well, I'm Back!.....

Long story short - I wasn't even near my garden for most of the summer.... and the result?:

Well surprisingly good... My daughter arranged to water for me, and my quick visits home allowed me to do some weeding. We have managed to have quite a good crop of Tomatoes, some Peas and Beans, Lettuce, Onions, Herbs.... Got rid of most of the thistles this year...But lost some small beds of flowers, beans, radish and lettuce to this little buddy and his friends:

We are pretty sure that he, and they, are Pocket Gophers - and this is the first year that we have had such trouble with them - primarily, we are guessing, because the field behind us was plowed this year to grow a crop of Oats, and not just a hay crop; so 'everyone' living in the field was uprooted, and came to visit us. Unfortunately, they liked what they found.

Then about half way through the summer I managed a visit with some friends. They have gardened successfully, big gardens too, in the country. One of the things that they suggested might work was to hang some hair combings from a brush/comb in the garden. WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA. It didn't rescue my eaten Beans, Radish, Lettuce, Flowers etc. BUT it did prevent any further damage. I will be using this idea in inconspicuous places in every area of my garden next year.